Cultural Events & Community Programs
Bringing Our Community Together Through Culture
Cultural Events & Community Programs Overview
Tebughna Foundation is proud to offer a multitude of programs to benefit TNC shareholders and NVT Tribal citizens.
Community and Cultural Donations
This program is for funding community events that promote traditional values and activities. This program is solely intended for TNC shareholders and NVT Tribal citizens.
Emergency Medical Assistance
This program will assist families in the event of an emergency medical situation. Food, lodging, or transportation costs incurred by the patient or their family during medical treatment are eligible to be funded. This program is not intended to assist with non-emergency or regular scheduled medical appointments.
Funeral Potlatch
This program is to help our people who are grieving by providing funding for their loved one’s funeral potlatch.
Youth Support Reimbursement Program
This program is to encourage eligible youth to participate in extracurricular activities.